The Personal MBA - Burhanuddin Rashid

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Author : Josh Kaufman The book is based on the premise that you can learn the art of business without going to a higher school or by getting an MBA degree. You can learn it by doing business in the real world. So if you’re thinking of going back to school to get your MBA, read this book first. Also, if you are already from a business, finance, or commerce background then this book might sound familiar to you. As a software engineer, I learned a lot of new things from the book. Previously, I used to think that there are only two types of businesses. Product and Services based. But I was amazed to see that there are 12-13 types of businesses described in this book. The first half of the book focuses on explaining keys terminologies used in business. The real-world strategies to run a profitable business, and demystifying a few myths around the business. There are five keys components in any business to be successful, ranging from small scale to large scale. Sometimes small-scale business owners are not directly aware of it, but they are doing it unconsciously. 1. Value Creation If you are solving a problem …

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