El diario de mi embarazo – Gnomo

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The first lémbaràs diary that is NOT gens carrincló!

Pregnancy is nine months of physical, hormonal, emotional, vital, sexual, social changes and everything you can think of. Nine months that seem very long but fly by; in which you enjoy and suffer; that you know what they are going to be like but in the end they are not as you expected What a contradiction! They are nine months that are worth keeping forever. Because once they are over well, then something so big arrives that it can make you forget everything. And no, a pregnancy is not a stage to forget.

In this diary there is space to remember everything: the good, the bad and the average; the boring and the fun; the serious and the superficial; the politically correct and and you will have to see that inside. Enjoy The diary of my pregnancy: a realistic, tender diary, but nothing, no jokes.

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Authors: Noelia Terrer and Carlos Rubio.

Size: 17 x 24 cm. 64 pages. Publisher: Litera Libros.

Pregnancy is nine months of physical, hormonal, emotional, vital, sexual, social changes and everything you can think of. Nine months that seem very long but fly by; in which you enjoy and suffer; that you know what they are going to be like but in the end they are not as you expected What a contradiction! They are nine months that are worth keeping forever. Because once they are over well, then something so big arrives that it can make you forget everything. And no, a pregnancy is not a stage to forget. In this diary there is space to remember everything: the good, the bad and the average; the boring and the fun; the serious and the superficial; the politically correct and and you will have to see that inside. Enjoy The diary of my pregnancy: a realistic, tender diary, but nothing, no jokes. Congratulations on your pregnancy! Authors: Noelia Terrer and Carlos Rubio. Size: 17 x 24 cm. 64 pages. Publisher: Litera Libros.

¡Enhorabuena! ¡Vas a ser mamá! ¡Mariposas llenan de alas tus latidos! Escribe, cuenta todo este caudal que te inunda de sueños, de alegría, de vida

El Diario de mi Embarazo

Regalos y productos: Mujer Embarazada

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Diario de mi Embarazo: Mi álbum de recuerdos de mi embarazo (Spanish Edition): 9781078476331: Publishing, BabyMemories ES: Libros

Diario de mi Embarazo: Mi álbum de recuerdos de mi embarazo (Spanish Edition)

[Publishing, BabyMemories ES] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. El diario de mi embarazo: Mi álbum de recuerdos de mi embarazo

El diario de mi embarazo: Mi álbum de recuerdos de mi embarazo (Spanish Edition)

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PEQUEÑO DIARIO DE MI BEBE / PD.. ELFOS. Libro en papel. 9788498018677 Librería El Sótano

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Mi Diario del Embarazo: Diario de mi Embarazo - Para registrar los 9 meses más especiales de tu vida - Agenda embarazo | Regalos para mamas